Shawn Weebe: January Player of the Month

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shawn weebe

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This award is given on a monthly basis to a Managed Solution employee who has done an amazing job of exemplifying and living up to the Managed Solution Core Values.
The Managed Solution leadership team selected Shawn Weebe as Player of the Month because he has shown outstanding determination and initiative with both his team and clients.
For starters, Shawn has shown incredible leadership by volunteering to lead and overtake some major projects. Shawn went above and beyond when he showed independent leadership to bring client-focused training to the PMO.  Not only is Shawn a great person to work with, he has also shown a great work ethic and built relationships with clients.  He advanced our Client Roadmapping Initiative to allow our clients to have a timeline of events to reach their goals.  As a result, Shawn  continues to receive high survey marks from his customers.
Shawn's positive attitude and dedication to the company, his team, and his clients, is greatly appreciated by everyone here at Managed Solution.  Leadership is excited to award his dedication and hard work with this month’s Player of the Month. Congratulations Shawn!
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At Managed Solution, we strive to be the best technology based company by investing in our top assets; our people!

Here at Managed Solution we thrive in an energetic, performance-driven environment where results, teamwork, and quality of customer satisfaction are recognized and rewarded. Our corporate culture is diverse, open and creative. We look for team members with proven experience, a strong sense of passion and dedication to the highest levels of excellence, technology and business ethics.
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