
Risk Analysis for EOL Hardware & Security

One of the biggest benefits of modernizing business with the latest technology is that it is always changing - and updating. However, this means that companies constantly need to analyze their software, hardware, and security to see when certain products need to be updated, and how they should go about doing so. Many of the technologies businesses are using today go to end-of-life after six and twelve months, meaning risk analysis is vital to keep business disasters at bay.

The risks

  • Security
    • Failing to update products coming up to end-of-life can comprise a company's security, making them more vulnerable to hacking
  • Efficiency
    • Having outdated IT will slow down your day-to-day business
  • Revenue
    • If companies are using products facing EOL, they can deal with revenue loss from lack of the proper productivity tools, cybersecurity threats, and more
End of life is a key moment to transition to a cloud-first, mobile-first environment. Managed Solution can help you with this transition. Key dates for Office products approaching end of life support:
  • April 11, 2017: Exchange Server 2007
  • October 10, 2017: Office 2007, Project Server 2007, SharePoint Server 2007
  • October 31, 2017: Outlook 2007 connectivity to Office 365
  • January 9, 2018: Communication Server 2007


After 15 years in the outsourced IT industry, Managed Solution has learned the best, fastest, and smartest way to help our customers justify infrastructure investment and scale with the right technology roadmap based on their unique needs. From professional services to cloud infrastructure to managed services and more, let us partner with you on an IT strategy that delivers results fast.


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