Updated portal and new languages for Microsoft Forms
Today, we’re introducing several updates to Microsoft Forms, including improvements to the Forms portal, more languages and right-to-left reading support.
Microsoft Forms portal improvements
We are introducing significant improvements to the Forms portal page. With the new design, users will see a snapshot of each form, which includes the form title, background image and number of responses. The new search box, on the upper right corner, will help users quickly find a form either by its title or owner’s name.
Updated Forms portal page.
Search in Forms portal page.
More languages and right-to-left reading support
With this update, we’re introducing 26 new languages to Forms—bringing the total to 68 languages. We are also enabling RTL (right-to-left) reading support for Hebrew and Arabic users, so users can create and respond to forms, as well as view forms results.
Forms RTL (right-to-left) reading support.
Create your own form or quiz
Educators can easily create a new form or quiz, add questions, customize settings, share their forms and check on the results. Just follow these simple steps:
Adjust the settings for the form.
Share the form with others.
Check the form results.
Learn more about using Forms