
These 4 Keyboard Shortcuts in PowerPoint Will Make Presentations a Breeze

Beginning to build a presentation PowerPoint can be quite a journey and an undertaking. To make it easier along the way, use these four shortcuts to move swiftly while you create your masterpiece.

Decrease or Increase Font Size

To quickly increase or decrease your font in PowerPoint, select the font you want to adjust and hit CTRL + Shift + < or >.

Make it Simple

When you are playing around with the text formatting, this keyboard is great to clear your slate. Press CTRL and the spacebar to remove all formatting.

Create a New Slide Within Your Presentation

Use CTRL + M to create a new slide. Don’t get confused with CTRL + N, this will open up a new PowerPoint presentation.

Tab Around All Objects on Your Slide

Objects can add up in PowerPoint. To quickly move between them instead of carefully selecting the one you want and having to click over and over again, use Shift+Tab to move through them.
Source: 365ninja.com


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