
SAN DIEGO, California – Managed Solution is excited to announce partnership with LiveTiles.

LiveTiles Design is an all-in-one solution for creating beautiful, engaging sites that foster collaboration throughout your organization, effectively managing content and seamlessly integrating third-party applications within a single platform.

As one of Microsoft’s top partners, Managed Solution is known throughout the industry as a partner friendly, full service Microsoft solution provider with expertise in Office 365, Enterprise Mobility & Security, Windows 10 Enterprise, Azure, Dynamics 365 and the new flagship Microsoft 365.

This partnership enables Managed Solution customers to create captivating sites on SharePoint and Office 365 to give their teams a phenomenal user experience, with no coding necessary. It gives them the ability to create a seamless workplace experience across devices, departments, and time zones with the ultimate SaaS offering. And it empowers teams with custom, mobile-friendly LiveTiles Design solutions so they can access what they need anywhere, anytime.

Sean Ferrel, Managed Solution, Chairman and Founder, stated, “LiveTiles makes the navigation in SharePoint much easier for end user, with ability to design it in just minutes and make changes as you go. Which makes SharePoint more accessible to our customers.”[/vc_column_text][grve_button button_text="Learn more" button_shape="round" button_link="url:http%3A%2F%2Finfo.managedsolution.com%2Flivetiles||target:%20_blank|"][/vc_column][/vc_row]


LiveTiles Mosaic for Office 365

LiveTiles Mosaic is a free education solution that lets any school with an Office 365 tenant build collaborative, touch-friendly classrooms in the cloud.
Mosaic extends the power of Office 365, pairing modern UX with intuitive, personalized interactions that inspire discovery and accelerate learning outcomes. It allows teachers to create interactive learning spaces via LiveTiles' elementary drag and drop functionality, and connect students to the classroom anywhere, on any device, at any time.


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Realizing the Impossible through Innovation: See how Today's Tech is Shaping the Biz of Tomorrow.

Join Managed Solution & LiveTiles to Network with Like-Minded Professionals while Enjoying Local Craft Beer & Appetizers!
  • Microsoft Device Bar
  • LiveTiles Digital Workplace Examples
  • Raffles & Fun Prizes
  • Great People and Conversations
Managed Solution recently partnered with LiveTiles, providing customers even more solutions to unify applications across their teams. Functioning like a modern UI layer over Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure, LiveTiles Design joins the dots for business users, quickly and intuitively connecting them to the information they need. Join us at the event to see how businesses in your industry are using LiveTiles to fuel their productivity - inspiring software for dynamic people of the digital workplace.
Today's influential industry leaders are business-savvy and adjust to changes in customer demand, staying on top of modern technology trends in their industry.


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