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National Video Games Day Comes to Life with the HoloLens
By Kelly Cronin
In a wave of new technology updates, we have taken notice to a completely unique experience - mixed reality. In a mixture of augmented and virtual reality, the Microsoft HoloLens brings holograms to life with complete interaction between our fingertips and 3D holographic objects. One can only imagine the incredible uses for such a tool, but of course we all mostly just want to play with it. National Video Games Day, on September 12th, is inspiring us to see how the HoloLens is transforming the video game world. Check out some articles, photos, and videos below to see just how awesome the HoloLens truly is.
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Pokémon Go bringing attention to Microsoft’s HoloLens
The hype over Pokémon Go isn't solely because Team Mystic is the best, it's also because the augmented reality game is changing how we see video games interact with our real lives. Augmented reality is an incredible experience that moves gamers from sitting behind a screen all day to moving around inside, outside, and everywhere in between. The HoloLens is an augmented reality headset - putting the game inside your living room. Imagine catching a Pikachu without your phone in your hand. Epic.
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Students demonstrate their HoloLens apps after a quarter of VR and AR design
At the University of Washington, a computer science classroom is equipping their students with HoloLens headsets to let them develop their own apps. One app developed is called HoloScanner, which redesigns the process of scanning a room and turns it into a game that can then be used for other apps. Other apps include augmented reality cooking, a painting app, and more.
Check out the HoloScanner app video and more here>>
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Putting Video Games into your Living Space: Young Conker
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Managed Solution hosts HoloLens event, featuring custom made app
We are just as excited about the HoloLens as you are, so we're sharing the experience. Vice President of Marketing and Engagement, Jackie Weiner, developed a custom-made app for our HoloLens that has objects, games, and videos to interact with. At our invite-only events, we host a friendly competition among CEO's and other C-Level executives.
Photos from the event are below, and you can check out the full press release here.
Want to get an invite to one of the coolest experiences around? Check out our events page to find an event near you.
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“The app is awesome! The HoloLens is just fantastic. I was really impressed by the investment that was made into creating this app. The app just blew my mind, and it just shows you how much the HoloLens platform can offer developers."
- Ian Koskela, CIO CD Savoia