Does certification contribute to professional credibility? YES, according to Certiport survey
Study Overview
Employees with Microsoft Office Specialist certifications clearly contribute to a more knowledgeable and productive working environment. A study of 14,000 Office Specialists and 1,200 supervisors of Office Specialists from North America, the United Kingdom, and Japan confirms that employees with Office Specialist certifications contribute to a more knowledgeable and productive working environment. Office Specialist certifications in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, and/or Project improve the workplace not only for employees and their employers but also for their customers.
Office Specialist certification increases employee competence, productivity, and credibility.
85% of supervisors say Office Specialists are more productive because of their Office Specialist certification.
Office Specialist certification proves individuals have the ability to effectively use Microsoft Office desktop programs.
89% of supervisors say Office Specialists are more proficient users of Microsoft Office programs.
Office Specialist exams test relevant skills employees actually use in the workplace.
86% of supervisors say Office Specialists are more credible than non-certified employees.
Office Specialist certification supports the hiring process by providing a useful measure for screening and selecting individuals for employment.
71% of supervisors use Office Specialist in hiring, promotion, and advancement decisions.
Study Design
This study was conducted to determine the value of Office Specialist certification to the individuals certified in
one or more Microsoft Office programs and to supervisors of certified Office Specialists. Over 14,000 Office
Specialists and 1,200 supervisors of Office Specialists were given web-based surveys to evaluate the effect of the
certification on their working environment and to rate the value of the certification on employee performance.