AITP June Event Managed Solution2

On Wednesday, June 17th Managed Solution Business Development Managers, Sean McMahon and Tina Rountree attended the AITP June Chapter Meeting. The event featured a prestigious moderator and panel of industry experts from Gartner, Intuit, Qualcomm, Siege Secure & SoCal Privacy Consultants discussing Cloud vs. On-Premise Security.
Peter Coffee, VP of Strategic Research at Salesforce, once said, "The battle is over, and the cloud has won.” However, there are many others who disagree. Over 60% of surveys show companies have not moved to the cloud because of security and privacy concerns. Are these concerns still valid? Have cloud vendors addressed security concerns adequately? These questions were addressed and discussed in detail by the distinguished panel of security experts at last nights event.

AITP June Chapter Meeting Featured Speakers:

• Matt Stamper, VP of Managed Services redIT, Moderator
• Paul Boulanger, Vice President SoCal Privacy Consultants
• F. Christian Byrnes, Managing Vice President Gartner Research
• Joshua Davis, Senior Director of Information Security & Risk Management Qualcomm
• Richard McElroy, Chief Information Security Officer Siege Secure
• Erik Naugle, Director of Cloud Strategy Intuit
On Saturday, June 20th AITP San Diego partners with GeekGirl for TechCon 2015, a full day event for women and men from 8-88 to learn how to code, hear industry thought leaders and meet some new tech friends.

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