33 Must Know Facts about Women in Tech

Via coupofy.com
While the likes of Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are the icons of a male dominated tech industry, women are rapidly entering both regular and high level positions. Data from the top 8 tech companies reveals a rate of growth 238% faster than men, with no sign of slowing down.
Inspired by the rising trend of women in the tech, we have aggregated the data from 30 trusted sources and looked at the most successful women in the industry and their roles as founders, leaders and venture capitalists.
Look at the most interesting facts in this infographic!
- See more at: http://www.coupofy.com/blog/infographics/the-238-percent-faster-growth-of-women-in-the-tech-industry-than-men-infographic#sthash.2UOBzwN8.dpuf
The 238% Faster Growth of Women in the Tech Industry Than Men

Made by: Coupofy

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