
By Beckylin Orooji as written on azure.microsoft.com
With the Application Insights JavaScript SDK you can collect and investigate the performance and usage of your web page or app. Historically we have offered onboarding through manually adding a script to your application and redeploying. Manually adding the script is still supported, but recently we have added the ability to add client-side monitoring from the Azure portal in a few clicks as well.


If you have enabled Application Insights in Azure, you can add page view and user telemetry. You can learn how to switch on server-side monitoring in our documentation.
     1. Select Settings -> Application Settings

step one

     2. Under App Settings, add a new key value pair:


Value: true

step two


     3. Save the settings and Restart your app in the Overview tab.
The Application Insights JavaScript SDK is now injected into each web page.

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Windows 10 Tip: Import data from another browser to Microsoft Edge in one step

By Elana Pidgeon as written on blogs.windows.com
Today, we’re sharing how you can import your favorites, browsing history, and other data from another browser to Microsoft Edge with the Windows 10 Creators Update – all in one simple step.

Here’s how to import your data:

Microsoft Edge displaying the Windows Blogs and showing the menu for importing data from another browser to Microsoft Edge

In Microsoft Edge, click on the three dots in the upper-right-hand corner, then on Settings.

Under “Import favorites and other info,” click the “Import from another browser” button. Then, choose the browser from which you’d like to move your data.*
Have a great week!
*Microsoft Edge can import browsing history, passwords, and other data only from Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. Favorites can be imported from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and 360.

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3 techniques for successful cloud collaboration

What’s your business’s motivation for implementing cloud collaboration solutions? The ones we hear most frequently are increased productivity, accelerated decision-making and improved sales. But here’s the surprise: According to the 2016 Connected Enterprise Report, one in four IT groups aren’t measuring cloud collaboration results by whether business goals were achieved. They’re not even checking whether users adopted the solution. They’re just measuring whether the tool was implemented.
But implementation isn’t a useful measure of success. Sure, it’s the prerequisite for effective collaboration, but it’s just the first step. Your enterprise can only see a full return on its investment in collaboration technologies when employees actually use the tools—so user adoption is the first measure to focus on.
Putting resources into ensuring adoption pays off. The same report shows that when businesses fully implemented and adopted collaboration technologies, they reported some exciting benefits:
  • Accelerated decision-making—85 percent say that using collaboration technology has met or exceeded their expectations.
  • More efficient business processes—79 percent say collaboration has met or exceeded their expectations.
  • Improved customer service—86 percent say collaboration has met or exceeded their expectations.

Three techniques to increase adoption

Want comparable benefits for your enterprise? Here are three techniques our customers have used to increase adoption of collaboration tools and get great business results. Each company’s story is a little different, but they’ve all improved productivity and agility.
  1. Start with a familiar interface—For fashion group BCBGMAXAZRIAGROUP (BCBG), successful adoption was simpler because they started with a familiar interface.
After evaluating Google Apps and Microsoft Office 365, the IT team at BCBG was concerned that the unfamiliar Google interface would create a training and adoption challenge. “We needed something our employees could adopt now with minimum disruption to day-to-day business,” says Kent Fuller, director of IT Infrastructure Services at BCBG. “We have a lot of infrastructure transformation going on, and Google would have introduced new challenges.” With a familiar interface and credits for online training materials included with subscriptions, BCBG employees can easily adopt Office 365.
One of the main benefits has been productive collaboration. With an updated, advanced messaging and productivity environment, BCBG employees can send and receive email messages faster; have the right tools to produce better documents, spreadsheets and presentations; and collaborate more effectively with colleagues, customers, suppliers and other partners. “With Office 365, we can build a more effective, more comprehensive collaboration environment than we could have with Google Apps,” says Fuller.
  1. Turn executives into enthusiasts—For the KCOM Group, a national communications and information services organization in the United Kingdom, the rollout of its collaboration solution started at the top.
The company originally chose 40 senior executives to evaluate the Office Communications Server 2007 instant messaging, but the number of early users expanded organically and rapidly. “The technology sells itself once you start to use it,” says Dean Branton, group CIO at the KCOM Group and director of customer operations. “The senior team members immediately decided they wanted their direct reports using it as well, and then their extended teams, and then their personal assistants. Before we knew it, we had rolled out by stealth.”
“Now,” says Bill Halbert, executive chairman of the KCOM Group, “We are more flexible, more agile, and we can make quicker decisions, because it is much easier to find the information we need.”
  1. Let the experts help build your plan—The process of building an Office 365 adoption was a little different for Mott MacDonald, a global consulting company. The Microsoft FastTrack Team helped the company with its adoption plan by providing both self-service resources and expert advice. “The FastTrack adoption methodology is really beneficial,” says Simon Denton, the business architect responsible for Office 365 implementation at Mott MacDonald. “It sets out quite clearly the steps we needed to go through to define principles and scenarios. Once we did that, we knew adoption would come easily. We based our entire adoption plan on the FastTrack documentation. It gave us a really good foundation.”
For example, Mott MacDonald encouraged adoption of its new Yammer enterprise social network with a “30 Days of Yammer” campaign, which involved all the staff and more than doubled the number of active and engaged users. Employees started using it to break down barriers within the organization much more quickly than anyone had expected.

The most important step: Start!

As soon as you roll out your collaboration solution, start measuring and tracking user adoption, and move decisively to address any hitches in the process. Implementing a suite solution and preparing your IT team to get employees up and running can be a daunting task—but Office 365 lets you move at your own pace. With our suite of available tools, you decide whether to migrate employees over in groups or by program. The ability to implement a steady rollout enables your teams to work at their own pace, allows you to save costs, and increases productivity by helping your business adapt to new streamlined solutions over time. Additionally, FastTrack for Office 365 provides customers with hands-on support to drive deployment and adoption at their own speed.

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You're no longer tied to the OneDrive folder -- you can grab files from any folder on your PC.

As Written by: Sarah Jacobsson Purewal on: cnet.com
Face it -- cloud storage services have made our lives way more convenient. There's nothing quite like being able to save a file in a folder and then instantly have access to that file from a completely different computer.
But what if you forget to save an important file in your cloud storage folder?
Well, if you're a OneDrive user, you can now use OneDrive to "fetch" files that aren't saved in your OneDrive folder -- all you have to do is make sure the computer you want to grab a file from is turned on and connected to the Internet.
This feature works in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, but is not supported in Windows 8.1 -- Windows 8.1 computers will be able to fetch files from other computers, but other computers will not be able to fetch files from a Windows 8.1 computer.

Set up fetching

Before you can use the fetch feature, you'll need to set it up. To do this, you will need to have OneDrive installed on your PC.
1. Right-click the OneDrive icon in your system tray and click Settings
2. A window will pop up. Under the Settings tab, check the box next to Let me use OneDrive to fetch any of my files on this PC.
3. Click OK.

Fetch files

Once you've set up fetching on a computer, you can access all of the files on that computer -- whether they're saved in your OneDrive folder or not -- from your OneDrive account. Here's how to do that:
1. Make sure the PC you want to access is turned on and connected to the Internet.
2. Open up a Web browser and log in to OneDrive. You can only access files from a Web browser -- not from the desktop application.
3. In your OneDrive account, you should see a section on the left side labeled PCs. Here, you will see all of the PCs that are associated with your OneDrive account. Click the name of the PC you want to access.
4. If this is the first time you're accessing this PC, you'll see a security check. In order to prove you have access to this PC, you must sign in with a security code. Click Sign in with a security code to receive a security code via text message or email. Once you get your code, enter it and click Submit.
5. You will now see all of the files on the connected PC -- not just the files in your OneDrive.

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