New Team Member: Tony Pecora, Technical Account Manager

Tony Work PhotoTony Pecora joined the Managed Solution team as Technical Account Manager on November 23, 2015. Tony started working in the managed services provider (MSP) space seven years ago and never looked back. He has experience working for larger companies including schools, Cardinal Health, Houghton Mifflin, etc. but prefers life in the MSP world because he loves the comradery and the ability to wear "multiple hats," while being able to make significant changes in a client's business.
Tony's favorite job before MSP life was tutoring at his first alma matter, Mira Costa College - he even still keeps in touch with the tutoring coordinator. Tony tutored introductory English, Physics, and a range in Mathematics from Pre-Algebra through Calculus III.
Tony grew up in Virginia and moved to San Diego when he was fifteen. After eighteen years in SoCal he moved to San Francisco but plans on moving back to wonderful San Diego in a month. Tony is an active person and enjoys softball, the gym, the shooting range and paddle-boarding. He's been on several competitive softball teams but says he stays away from tournaments because of the attitudes a lot of people bring.
Tony Valencia Peak

Tony exploring the outdoors at Valencia Peak

Along with several co-workers at MS, Tony is a motorcycle rider and has strong preferences for.. and against food. Tony says he's not a picky eater, but he can't stand bacon, cheese, salt, cilantro, or any kind of salad dressing, although he recently made peace with sesame vinaigrette. He's never had coffee and isn't a fan of caffeine so doesn't think he's missing out. He does say there is no such thing as too much garlic, or sugar, or BBQ anything (sauce, meat, BBQs, etc.)!
We're excited to have Tony on board, please join us in welcoming him to the Managed Solution team!
At Managed Solution, we strive to be the best technology based company by investing in our top assets; our people - CAREERS


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