Today’s businesses are looking to succeed by working smarter, faster and more efficiently, and construction companies are no different in that regard. Where they do often differ from most other businesses is in their structure. Many construction companies have lots of employees in numerous offices scattered across the country and sometimes the globe. This presents challenges in building a scalable and secure IT environment for their employees.
How are some of the leading construction companies meeting this challenge of providing effective computing and productivity solutions to their dispersed workforces? They’re doing it by teaming up with Microsoft, the world leader in cloud computing and trusted partner with over 30 years experience providing enterprise solutions for businesses. Let’s take a closer look at three examples of how Microsoft is helping the construction industry.
Global facilities management and construction group VINCI uses Microsoft Office 365 to help provide a collaborative and mobile environment for its massive organization. With collaboration tools like Skype for Business and Lync, VINCI’s 183,000 employees are able to work together despite finding themselves spread out over 2,500 subsidiaries in almost 100 countries around the world. With access to content, files and projects online and offline, VINCI is giving its people the ability to get the job done anytime, anywhere. Learn how VINCI chose Microsoft for its entire organization after an early success for one of its divisions. >>>
California-based McClone Construction needed a cloud solution that would enable it to unify computing for its newly integrated business divisions that had previously operated autonomously. In stepped Office 365 to provide a more agile environment that enable collaboration and the sharing of information from anywhere in real time. Rather than relying on ineffective email to share files, McClone now relies on Microsoft SharePoint to safely and quickly share and manage files across all its offices. As McClone’s business evolves, Office 365 is giving it the flexibility to evolve its IT infrastructure along with it. Read more about McClone's push to create a collaborative and mobile workforce utilizing Office 365.>>>
At the heart of any construction company is project work and management. Construction solutions firm Hilti Corporation was looking to coordinate projects in its offices in over 20 countries spread out over 6 continents. How did Hilti keep its projects organized and moving forward when contributors where scattered across different time zones around the world? Hilti chose Office 365 and Microsoft Project Online over a homegrown solution for the security and global availability with the added flexibility to quickly scale out and up – all at a fraction of the cost of building their own solution. See how Hilti bolsters its bottom line with Microsoft Project! >>>
Learn why more and more businesses are playing it smart and trusting Microsoft to help them with their cloud computing needs. See how Microsoft Office 365 delivers the productivity tools we’ve all learned to trust like Word and Excel, along with services and apps like Sharepoint, Skype and Project that allow teams, whether local or remote, to work efficiently and collaboratively.
Continued Reading

January 12, 2016
Police department uses Office 365 to make faster decisions and better serve the community
Police department uses Office 365 to make faster decisions and […]
February 3, 2016
AWS enables Netflix to quickly deploy thousands of servers and terabytes of storage within minutes. Users can stream Netflix shows and movies from anywhere in the world, including on the web, on tablets, or on mobile devices such as iPhones.
AWS enables Netflix to quickly deploy thousands of servers and […]