Managed Solution Migrates 30,000 Users and Saves Western Digital $5M

About the Client

Western Digital (WD) is an American provider of data storage solutions and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hard disk drives. As a Fortune 100 company, WD serves over 150,000 members globally.

The Challenge

In a landmark merger, Western Digital undertook the integration of two major technology leaders, Hitachi and SanDisk, to fortify its position as a leading provider of data storage solutions. This merger set the stage for a comprehensive assessment and restructuring of the IT infrastructure to ensure seamless operations and enhanced efficiency across the newly formed conglomerate.

Key Results

Over the past two years, Managed Solution has saved Western Digital $500M and they now exist asa true cost-by-user environment, saving over $1M annually by utilizing a pay-as-you-goconsumption-based model. Our top Azure consumption customer is a true example of a successfulacquisition, utilizing the full stack of Microsoft technology to drive tangible business outcomes andtrue digital transformation.

Western Digital is now fully utilizing the entire Microsoft 365 platform. By shifting to a SaaS model,they have reduced the complexity of their IT infrastructure, and brought about measurableimprovements in productivity, security and cost-efficiency.

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