Technology can help bridge the gap as cures are sought for ALS

On Friday, GLEASON, the critically acclaimed documentary about former NFL player Steve Gleason, will open in select theaters across the U.S. GLEASON tells the incredibly powerful story of Steve’s life both leading up to and after his diagnosis in 2011 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease. I’ve been fortunate to see the documentary a few times over the last few months and I’ll be honest, you’ll need tissues and strong stomach muscles. It is real, gritty, warm, humbling and hilarious. The Gleasons have a relentless drive to empower others with ALS to ‘live’ and live a life that is worth living, and I know I’m not the only one who feels unbelievably lucky to partner with Team Gleason on technology to help support that goal.
Microsoft’s work with Team Gleason got ignited two years ago this week at //oneweek, our annual hackathon where thousands of Microsoft employees spend days poring over projects that have a real impact. Steve had issued a challenge to Microsoft to develop technology to help people with ALS, specifically to help him communicate more easily, play with his son and move his wheelchair independently. The 2014 //oneweek Ability EyeGaze hackathon team came together to tackle that challenge and ended up winning the whole hackathon that year.
Two years on, Team Gleason and Steve continue to work on these goals with the Microsoft Enable team in Microsoft Technology and Research, producing technology that enables people to move their wheelchairs and communicate through their keyboards using nothing more than the movement of their eyes. The passion and dedication of everyone that has touched this project has been overwhelming; it’s been a remarkable experience in which to participate. In that time, the project has evolved from an early stage hack into technology that helps Steve do exactly what he asked: be more independent. Steve is regularly using the technology to get around and to communicate with friends and family, just as he had envisioned at the beginning.
The technology may now be real and have a lot less duct tape involved than when we first started, but the work is far from done. We are still in the research phase and are continuing to improve it – even here at //oneweek this week – with the goal of making it available to everyone who can benefit from it.
We have learned so much along the way from many families impacted by ALS and we are humbled by their generosity. We know that technology has the power to change lives and we are fired up at the chance to work with so many amazing people to help make that possible.
To stay up to speed on the latest developments in accessibility, visit the Microsoft Accessibility website. You can also read more about exciting new research projects like this on the Microsoft Enable team’s website. And follow us on Twitter at Microsoft Accessibility (@MSFTEnable), Microsoft Research (@MSFTResearch) and Team Gleason (@TeamGleason).
Lastly, please, go see this documentary, and you’ll see why we’re so passionate.
As Steve says, ‘Until there is a cure for ALS, technology is the cure.’
San Diego - October 19, 2015 - Yesterday some of the team from Managed Solution participated in the 2015 San Diego Walk to Defeat ALS® in the memory of Bill Marchesano. Will Marchesano, one of Managed Solution's team members, and his family unfortunately lost their beloved father and husband after his battle with ALS. Last year, Will challenged the Managed Solution team to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to help raise awareness for this cause and join team “Will for Bill” for the 2014 Walk to Defeat ALS. It has become an annual tradition for the Managed Solution team to come together and walk to support ALS - a big thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday for the 2015 San Diego Walk to Defeat ALS®!


Managed Solution is proud to support The ALS Association through charitable donations and participation in the Walk to Defeat ALS. Will Marchesano, one of Managed Solution’s team members, and his family unfortunately lost their beloved father and husband after his battle with ALS. Last year Will challenged the Managed Solution team to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to help raise awareness for this cause.

Press Releases:

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Managed Solution and Team "Will for Bill" at the 2014 Walk to Defeat ALS last year.

The Managed Solution team will be participating in the 2015 San Diego Walk to Defeat ALS again this year on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at DeAnza Cove.
Managed Solution is proud to support The ALS Association through charitable donations and participation in the Walk to Defeat ALS. Will Marchesano, one of Managed Solution’s team members, and his family unfortunately lost their beloved father and husband after his battle with ALS. Last year Will challenged the Managed Solution team to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to help raise awareness for this cause. Together we raised $1,855.00 and joined the team “Will for Bill” for the Walk to Defeat ALS in the memory of Bill Marchesano.
More than just a few-mile trek, the Walk to Defeat ALS® is an opportunity to bring hope to people living with ALS, to raise money for a cure, and to come together for something you care about. The Walk to Defeat ALS® is The ALS Association’s biggest annual event, which raises funds that allow our local chapters to sustain care services and support research for much of the next year.

Help Managed Solution beat last year's fundraising goal and join our team in the Walk to Defeat ALS!


Press Releases:
ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a deadly illness with no known cause or cure. It affects the motor neurons in a person’s brain and spinal cord. When the motor neurons die, the muscles waste away. Gradually, a person is robbed of the ability to walk, speak, eat, and eventually breathe. All the while, the mind remains sharp and aware of the total paralysis that is quickly setting in. Upon diagnosis, doctors give ALS patients only two to five years to live. Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose their battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries. By making a one-time, tax-deductible donation, you can truly make a difference in the fight against ALS. Visit to make a donation.
Managed Solution demonstrates its commitment to people through contributions, charitable sponsorships and employee volunteer programs in the communities where we work and live. To learn more about Managed Solution’s charitable sponsorships, visit our community page.
ALS Foundation Established in 1985, The ALS Association is the only national non-profit organization fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disease on every front. By leading the way in global research, providing assistance for people with ALS through a nationwide network of chapters, coordinating multidisciplinary care through certified clinical care centers, and fostering government partnerships, The Association builds hope and enhances quality of life while aggressively searching for new treatments and a cure.

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