Casey Bertrand joined the Managed Solution team as a Technical Support Specialist on November 2, 2015. He joins us with a background in sales, customer service and IT, actually beginning his IT career training after an injury that had left him slightly disabled. He says he’s held a variety of positions that were enjoyable in hindsight one of the best being with San Diego Sailing Tours as a first mate.
Casey was born and raised in south Louisiana in a very tiny town; a place not even large enough to need a single hanging traffic light. At the age of 17, he moved to San Diego county and has been here ever since, he loves it! Casey has a son who he says he loves dearly and enjoys spending time with, he is also adventurous and loves exploring the outdoors. He’s been skydiving before and enjoys exploring new eateries, areas like Spruce St suspension bridge, and finding cool spots to see the downtown skyline. He says he would really like to explore abroad one day and could see himself living at the beach. He also loves cooking (and eating), motorcycles, water sports, and snow - he’ll be learning to snowboard this winter.
Although Casey has a love for adventure, he also says he’s a super nerd at heard - aren’t we all! He is currently working toward his CCNA and learning another language. We’re excited to have him on board, welcome to the Managed Solution team Casey Bertrand!
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