
Cloud Computing Brings Innovation to the Legal Profession – Work Smarter

Cloud computing is innovating the way many industries conduct business. The legal industry is no different and is taking advantage of powerful new technology to change and improve the way it brings legal services to its clients. Cloud computing helps firms connect legal professionals, improve communication and collaboration, and reduce IT expenses while improving scalability and security.
How is the legal industry benefiting from cloud computing innovations? Let’s take a look at some specific ways legal professionals are leveraging powerful new enhancements in information technology.

Secure access and strict data controls

Naturally, the first concern with storing data in “the cloud” will be with security and privacy. Cloud computing basically takes data, financial records, legal documents and other information and stores it offsite on a remote server. Some debate has risen around this subject which questions the ethics of storing data remotely. A recent article in the American Bar Association Journal concluded that there is no specific ethical concern or prohibition against legal practices using cloud computing. Fortunately, security is one of the strengths of the cloud. All data and documents are automatically protected by attributes, permissions and version control. Additionally, access can be tightly controlled by access that can be either granted or denied to internal and external individuals by system administrators.

Increased productivity for your firm and team

Your team has secure access to all information anywhere, anytime and from any device. Working the cloud reduces the amount of administrative resources needed to manage matters and documents, allowing your team of professionals to spend more time on cases and less on pushing paper. Internal team members can securely share and edit documents with colleagues or clients – with all changes tracked through automatic version control. Productivity is the name of the game when your firm is working in the cloud.

Finding, researching and managing documentation

Robust search capabilities allow maters and documents to be found quickly. Less time searching means more time working. Frequently used matters or documents can be marked or pinned for easy access later. Legal professionals deal with massive amounts of information; the cloud makes finding that information routine and as easy as using a search engine on the Internet. Not only that, transporting documents is as easy as moving them into the cloud for instant access in or out of the office from a laptop, tablet or even mobile phone.
Today’s powerful cloud computing tools are enabling companies to innovate just about every facet of their business. Innovation can take the form of simple improvements on existing processes and workflows, or they can be as significant as inventing entirely new ways of getting work done. What is clear is that the power is now in the hands of your entire legal team and can help you transform the way your firm does business instantly.
At Managed Solution, we know exactly what your firm needs to automate previously manual and disparate tasks to increase efficiency and productivity of your firm. We provide a secure file sharing, mobile productivity and collaboration technology solution specific to your firm’s needs. Learn More >>

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