8 Apps That Enable Lawyers To Work Remotely


Today's technology makes it simple to use mobile devices and tablets to access data quickly. This explains why a vast majority of attorneys are using mobile devices and tablets to develop a paperless law office. Utilizing the right applications (apps) and tools can enable lawyers to work remotely in between client meetings and court. Some experts envision a future in which attorneys routinely scan documents with their smartphones and tablets and store data on cloud systems. Below is a number of applications (apps) that have emerged for lawyers.

8 Apps That Lawyers Are Using When Working Remotely

  1. dLaw - provides offline state and federal laws
  2. Able2Doc — convert PDF documents to MS Word documents for mobile use
  3. CamCard – scan business cards and add them to your contacts
  4. Fastcase - provides free legal research capabilities for a tablet or smartphone
  5. Dropbox — online (cloud) file storing for syncing files between multiple devices or computers
  6. Microsoft Remote Desktop — easy to use/manage remote desktop manager; great for in-office (same network) remote desktop protocol (RDP), not so easy for outside network use
  7. Mint Personal Finance — great for managing personal finances; similar to Quicken or Quickbooks mobile accounting
  8. SignMyPad - electronically sign documents from your tablet or smartphone; send documents to others for signature
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