At Managed Solution, our commitment to community engagement runs deep. We believe in using our platform and resources to make a positive impact wherever possible. Our dedication to philanthropy isn't just a choice; it's an integral part of who we are.

For years, Managed Solution has forged a strong partnership with Computers 2 SD Kids, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing underprivileged children with access to technology. Our involvement goes beyond mere financial support. We've actively contributed by donating our own surplus laptops, desktops, and devices. These items, once retired from our operations, find new purpose in the hands of children who otherwise might not have access to them.

But our commitment doesn't stop there. We recognize the power of collective action, and we've leveraged our relationships with clients to extend our impact even further. Through our Nonprofit Program, we empower our customers, partners, and friends to join us in supporting causes that matter. By allocating their referral incentives to nonprofits like Computers 2 SD Kids, they play a vital role in bridging the digital divide in our community.

The Nonprofit Program isn't just about giving back; it's about creating a ripple effect of goodwill. By showcasing organizations like Computers 2 SD Kids within our program, we aim to raise awareness and inspire others to get involved. It's about fostering a culture of generosity and compassion, where giving back is not just a one-time event but an ongoing commitment to building a better world for all.

And the impact of our collective efforts is tangible. The laptops, desktops, and devices donated to Computers 2 SD Kids undergo a thorough refurbishment process before being distributed to families in need. These tools become more than just pieces of technology; they become pathways to education, empowerment, and opportunity. Studies show that children with access to home computers perform better in school, yet far too many families in our community lack this essential resource. Through our partnership with Computers 2 SD Kids, we're working to change that reality, one device at a time.

Committed to supporting the community
But our mission doesn't end with technology distribution. We're also committed to supporting educational initiatives and fostering digital literacy among children and families. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and community outreach events, we're empowering the next generation to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

At Managed Solution, philanthropy isn't just a box to check; it's a core value that guides everything we do. It's about recognizing our responsibility to give back to the communities that support us and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Together, we're building a brighter future for all.

About Computers 2 SD Kids

C2K believes all children and their families in San Diego, regardless of their economic status, need to be computer literate and have equal access to technology and the crucial educational, occupational, and financial resources that technology can provide to improve their educational options and their futures.

For more information, click here to visit their website.

The WIT Network San Diego helps Computer 2 SD Kids Distribute Devices to Families in Need

2nd Annual Golf Tournament benefiting C2SDK

managed solution celebrates 20 years banner

Managed Solution is proud to celebrate 20 years in business!


In 2002 our Founder and CEO, Sean Ferrel, launched a business out of his college dorm. His mission? To create a better way to support companies through the power of technology. What began as a dorm-room dream grew to a fully functioning organization. 

Fueled by an exceptional team of talented individuals -- our success intersects at passion for people and expertise of technology. 

Our Why 

Our reason for coming to work everyday doubles as our secret to success: people. Both internally and externally, we explore technology solutions through a people-first perspective. We believe that the care we take of our team sets the standard for the care that we take of our clients and partners.  

20 Days to celebrate 20 years!  

So how are we celebrating this massive milestone? Every day for 20 days we are digitizing fun group activities through Microsoft Teams. Kicked off with pictures of the team members from 20 years ago! 

On Day 6, we reflected on the core values that make us who we are by looking at the code of conduct that got us where we are today.

Most importantly, we took a moment of gratitude for our team and accomplishments in our quarterly meeting, where many of our amazing staff members were highlighted for their incredible contributions. 

In Our 20th Year We… 


This year alone, Managed Solution has been awarded 14 times. Our top-tier leadership team has been recognized for their dedication and direction in a string of honors. Starting with our very own CEO, Sean Ferrel, making San Diego Business Journal’s Most Influential People in San Diego, 40 under 40, and being a finalist for SDBJ’s CEO of the Year.  

Furthermore, we had multiple C-suite staff placements on SDBJ’s Top 50 Influential Women in Tech’s list by our VP of Sales and Marketing - Tina Rountree, and VP of Strategy and Programs - Alecia Wilson, as well as our amazing COO - Jenell Mott! 

As a company, we were also over-the-moon to learn that we were placed on SDBJ’s Best Places to Work list 2022! 

Our powerful solutions and services have also been recognized this year in’s Best Managed IT Service Providers in San Diego, Techreviewer’s Top IT services Companies in 2022, Cloudtango’s Top Managed Service Providers US Select 2022 and many more! 


At Managed Solution, another huge focus for us is giving back to our San Diego Tech community. 

Some ways we were able to do that include donating Microsoft Technology to San Diego’s Just in Time Foster care Sponsoring and participating in this year’s Cause Conference, to empower ourselves and fellow organizations to make a positive social impact within our community.  We proudly helped sponsor Farm to Table’s charity event, benefiting Hospice of the North coast.

With Center for Community Solution’s Tea and Tonics event, our sponsorship helped raise over $510,000 to aid survivors of domestic abuse and contribute to abuse-prevention initiatives.  

As Cyber Security Month Champions, we spread Awareness during October’s Cyber Security Month to help businesses and organizations stay in-the-know about the best practices for safety and security!  

Speaking of Cyber Security, we had a blast at SIM’s Cyber Security Padre event where we came together with other IT professionals for two of our favorite things: Cyber Security and sports! 

We also enjoyed participating in many of Telarus’s golf events throughout the year, where we were able to connect with an onslaught of amazing individuals in the Tech community!  


We've had a big year here at Managed Solution. From employee shout outs to fun bonding events, to babies and weddings and promotions! We couldn’t be more thrilled with the memories and bonds we’ve made this year. 

In February, with our 14 days of love for Employee’s – we shared what we loved about our stellar staff members! 

We came together in fun team building trivia events including this totally tubular 80’s themed trivia night. 

We also highlighted our Rockstar team members in our ‘Player of the month’ program. Every month, we reward a staff member who has gone above and beyond with 8 additional hours of PTO.  On top of this, we’ll be adding an Employee of the Year category in 2023! 

Want to learn more about our 2023 initiatives, sponsorships and events? Click here[link] to sign-up for our monthly newsletter to stay connected with us! 

The Years Ahead 

Businesses can sometimes lose their purpose in the grind of meeting bottom lines. Here, we understand that by doing right by our people the numbers will always follow.  

What has really defined our success and kept us in a state of growth, is the happiness of our team. Our future holds the promise of maintaining that ideal. Along with that – we have a collective excitement and curious approach for the challenges ahead. 

We are so grateful to have served you for these 20 years and we look forward to the next 20 years… and heck, the 20 after that! Thank you for your continued support, be sure to join us in the celebration on Instagram and Facebook!  (more…)

As technology continues to expand and become more complex (and the more it begins to connect all our critical data) the need for compliance and regulation will continue to expand right along with It — and as it should!  Compliance is meant to be an ally… but without proper management it can quickly become the enemy. While many see compliance as more red tape, the truth is failure to comply with regulations can lead to expensive fees and fines. Managed Solution can help boost your compliance and help your business get closer to you compliance goal.

What is Compliance & Security Management?

In the IT world, compliance management around governance, risk and compliance is the process of ensuring a company or organization consistently complies with federal and state laws, industry requirements, vendor best practices, cyber insurance policies as well as post-breach protocol when it comes to their technology and data management.

In many ways when someone says “compliance,” what they really mean is documentation… and lots of it. Compliance is a big, complex collection of paperwork and data of all kinds, and compliance management is making sure all of that is organized, and more importantly, up to industry standard.

 Why Automate Compliance Management?

Because the world of compliance is so complex (and continues to evolve) it’s critical to make sure your organization has its T’s crossed and I’s dotted.  Like it or not, there’s a cost to compliance. BUT, research has shown it’s much more expensive not to follow the mandated industry regulations… in fact, up to 2.71 times more costly. The bottom line: compliance can be a headache, but implementing a consistent, effective solution saves money.

The good news is you don’t have to try to tackle compliance alone. That’s where Compliance Manager and Managed Solution comes into play. Compliance Manager is a cloud-based solution that automates the data gathering and reporting required to order to meet the necessary internal and external auditor expectations.

It’s a one-stop shop for:

  • In-product compliance guidance
  • Automated data collection
  • Brandable report, worksheet, and auditor checklist generation
  • Automatic archiving
  • Centralized workflow management and task notification
  • Tracking compliance activity

Key Compliance Manager Features

Compliance Manager is a robust tool that reduces risk by simplifying and streamlining your IT security documentation. And more than that, it makes sure everyone on your team is onboard and has one, easy-to-use platform to store, access and manage their part of the process.

Here are some of the key features: 

  1. Customizable Documentation & Processes. Compliance Manager is a role-based solution, meaning you can tailor it to meet your specific IT compliance needs and workflows. So, whether you’ve created your own company-specific standards or need help complying with industry regulations, each report and process can be adjusted accordingly, giving you the flexibility to simultaneously manage multiple compliance standards and information security protocols from one centralized location.
  2. Centralized Management. Because compliance involves many different data points and stakeholders, centralizing the information and access is key to successful management. An automated solution provides self-serve portals for both employees and vendors, allowing you to automate a variety of tasks and collect necessary data and documentation for compliance verification.
  3. Employee-Focused Tracking. Organize employee-specific training courses, assignments, and policy acknowledgements, upload policy documents and track employee compliance and reporting. All of this is accessible from an easy-to-use IT admin access dashboards which allows you to access and manage your employee’s compliance requirements and activity quickly and easily.
  4. Vendor Risk Assessment & Tracking. House and manage both permanent employee and vendor details all within a single solution and with the option to provide a unique vendor login, vendor assessments, status tracking, surveys, and more.
  5. Compliance Manager can integrate with IT Glue, VulScan, VSA, and Bullphish among other separate technologies to leverage an even more distinct degree of control and customization.
  6. Automated Reporting. Compliance Manager automatically generates custom plans, procedures, risk analyses, milestone reports, auditor checklists, supporting documents and more which update based on data and information supplied to the program.
  7. Compliance Templates. As compliance grows, so does Compliance Manager’s compliance template database, meaning you don’t have to start from scratch. Some of the most popular templates to-date include:
    • HIPAA (all 3 rules)
    • Cyber Insurance
    • NIST (CSF & 800-171)
    • CMMC (Levels 1 &2)
    • GDPR (UK & EU)

Leveraging a Managed Solution

 A tool alone is not enough to reach compliance. Let Managed Solution’s compliance team help your business through the lengthy process. Our compliance team will ensure progress and work hand in hand with you to integrate Compliance Manager into your existing ecosystem.

Interested in learning more? Schedule a call today and learn how Managed Solution can help boost your compliance and help your business get closer to you compliance goal. Not ready for a direct call? We are hosting a webinar on July 28th, click here to register. Attendees will receive a FREE 30 minute consultation with our vCIO to see if our Compliance as a Service tool can work for you!

#GivingTuesday was founded by Henry Timms, Executive Director of the 92nd Street Y, a cultural and community center in New York City, back in 2012. His goal was to rally people to donate to their favorite cause on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
“The idea around #GivingTuesday was that after all of the consumption of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, what if we could think about giving back?” Timms explains. It's a bit ironic that during a month that's centered around be grateful and thankful, we end it with these consumer holidays focused on buying things we don't need. Giving Tuesday brings back that gratefulness mentality and allows us to reflect on what we're thankful for that we have that others may not.
Giving Tuesday also fit nicely with the mission of the 92nd Street Y, “where we’re reimagining community for a new generation,” he adds. “In a world that’s increasingly so divided, that’s one thing we share, our capacity to give to one another.”
How is the technology community getting involved? Microsoft is leading by example and was one of the first to sign on, Timms says. “Microsoft got involved when we had no idea what this could be. It was experimental, and Microsoft’s commitment sent a message to the corporate world about what it could be.”
Ken Ryals, Senior Director for Microsoft Citizenship, says, "the idea, and the way it celebrates generosity, seemed a natural extension of the company’s ethos and Microsoft’s Employee Giving Campaign. It’s turned into a partnership that’s grown and grown. Together, we have made a real impact.”
Timms says one of the most exciting things about the movement he founded is watching it grow around the world. #GivingTuesday has grown massively and has now raised money in over 150 countries.  That's a whole lot of giving, and a whole lot to be thankful for.
His favorite #GivingTuesday story is a simple one, about a guy from a contracting firm who volunteered by working at a local homeless shelter. He told his supervisor it was the best day he’d ever had because it was the first time he’d been a part of giving back. (Something typically reserved for other people.)
“Prior to #GivingTuesday, he’d had no entry point into becoming a philanthropist,” Timms explains. “We are inspiring a new generation of philanthropy.”
Learn more and donate, here.


As written by Susanna Ray on
The house was empty when he got home from school one afternoon.
Eight-year-old Farhad Agajan wandered out to ask if any neighbors had seen his mother or siblings. Crying and increasingly frantic, he reached the home of a relative who lived nearby and heard the words that changed him forever: “He gave me some money, and he told me, ‘Your life is in danger. Take this and leave, immediately,’” Agajan recalled.
He would spend the next decade as an unaccompanied minor, journeying from Afghanistan through Pakistan, Iran and Turkey before landing in Greece at age 16 and eventually learning that his mother was still alive back home. By then, he had fallen in love with his new country and considered himself Greek.
Now, although Agajan talks with his mother over Skype every week, he’s applying for Greek citizenship and is focused on giving back to his adopted home and people. The resilience and optimism he cultivated throughout his ordeal were what got him through – and what have paved the way toward success as the now 28-year-old works with Mercy Corps as a field officer in refugee camps while finishing high school and learning computer programming.
Agajan is one of more than 65 million people in the world who are displaced from their homes – the highest level on record. That staggering figure includes more than 21 million refugees, who had to flee to another country. In Syria, which has become one of the worst humanitarian crises in our lifetime, 11 million people, or half the population, have had to leave their homes. Three-quarters of them are women and children.
Agajan’s escape from Afghanistan predates the current global emergency and has put him in an ideal situation to help others weather the trauma. Recognizing the powerful ways technology can help refugees, Microsoft is working to bring the right tools to people like Agajan and aid organizations like his employer, Mercy Corps. In all, Microsoft has committed more than $30 million to support refugees around the world in 2017.
“We see our efforts as a big part of the company’s mission of empowering every person and every organization to achieve more,” said Mary Snapp, who leads Microsoft Philanthropies. “Broadly speaking, our focus is to help nonprofit organizations access technologies, especially those in the cloud, to work more efficiently and to serve as many beneficiaries as possible. We also support digital and technical skills training for people who would otherwise be left behind as innovation advances.”
Read the full story.



As written by Thomas Kohnstamm on

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Earlier this spring, 45 schoolgirls in matching uniforms crowded into the computer room at the custard-colored North Thanglong Economic & Technical college on the outskirts of Hanoi, Vietnam. Beyond intermittent ripples of laughter and excitement, the 15- and 16-year-olds stayed focused throughout the day on the hard work at hand: playing Minecraft.
Together they built 3D models that reimagined the darker corners of their neighborhood as a safer, more functional and more beautiful place for them and their families to inhabit. But this wasn’t just an exercise in imagination. The girls were taking part in the newest project from Block by Block, a program from the United Nations and Mojang, the makers of Minecraft, that uses the power of Minecraft and designs sourced from local residents to improve public spaces around the world.
Thoughtful, inclusive approaches to urban development like this are increasingly critical as the world’s population increasingly moves to cities. Through a combination of birth rate and rural immigration, Hanoi has nearly doubled its population since the year 2000. And it’s not alone. Cities around the globe are swelling by a total of some 200,000 people per day.
Read the full story.


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[vc_text_separator title="Registration: 11am Grab & Go Lunch: 12pm Shotgun Start: 12:30pm Awards Reception: 5pm" heading="3" headingbg="no" title_align="separator_align_center" color="" accent_color="#ffffff" el_width="80"]

Friday, April 21, 2017 : Arrowood Golf Course (Oceanside, CA)

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[vc_text_separator title="Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life!" heading="3" headingbg="no" title_align="separator_align_center" color="" el_width="60"][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

[vc_row parallax="content-moving" css=".vc_custom_1465945819577{background-color: #ffffff !important;}"][vc_column][vc_column_text]RFL-CMYK



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The American Cancer Society’s mission is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer.

Help Finish The Fight Against Cancer

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Eight playing spots (Two PowerUp foursomes and four additional reception tickets)
Company name as presenting sponsor on signage and all marketing materials and one dedicated, post-event e-blast.
Choice of hole sponsorship with contest (Hole In One, Putting, Closest to the Pin)
Custom speaking and branding opportunities

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title="BECOME A SPONSOR - Best Value: Promotion, Golf & Perks!" color="nocolor" heading="1"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_column_text css_animation="left-to-right"]

$2,000 Beer Hole Sponsor (2)

  • Four playing spots (One PowerUp foursome and four additional reception tickets)
  • Keg and bartender provided by course at your hole
  • Optional: Staff your hole and interact with players

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$1,500 Hole Sponsor with staffing (5)

    • Four playing spots (One PowerUp foursome and four additional reception tickets)
    • One individual hole sponsorship
    • Staff your hole and host a contest, interact with players [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_column_text css_animation="left-to-right"]

      $1,500 Drink Ticket Sponsor (1)

    • Four playing spots (One PowerUp foursome and four additional reception tickets)
    • Logo on drink tickets, all players receive two
    • [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_column_text css_animation="left-to-right"]

      $1,500 Branded Golf Ball Sponsor (1)

    • Four playing spots (One PowerUp foursome and four additional reception tickets)
    • Logo on golf balls included in swag bags
    • [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_column_text css_animation="left-to-right"]

      $1,000 Hole Sign Sponsor (1)

    • Four playing spots (One PowerUp foursome and four additional reception tickets)
    • Logo on all signage as sponsor
    • [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_column_text css_animation="left-to-right"]

      $1,000 Branding Hole Sponsor no staffing (5)

    • Four playing spots (One PowerUp foursome and four additional reception tickets)
    • Signage/branding at your hole: No staff

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Traditional Foursome: $150 per player

All players enjoy a complete program of special events: 18 holes of golf (including cart), lunch, raffles, silent auction, exciting awards and reception dinner including cocktails. (PowerUP! For $25 more per player we’ll include 2 Mulligans, 1 Grenade, and one String It Out per player!)

Small Biz Foursome: $125 per player

All the same fun stuff as the traditional foursome, just for companies with 250 employees or less. (PowerUP available)

Awards Reception Only: $35

Not a golfer? Join us for our lively awards reception after the tournament. Includes dinner, cocktails and silent auction.
*Awards reception tickets included for foursomes, single golfers, and select sponsors.

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Get an EDGE

Mulligans: $5 (4 Max)

Grenade: $12 (2 Max)
Throw the ball one time, instead of hitting it with a club.

String it out: $15
A four-foot string may be used during play to improve your lie or avoid a stroke. Cut the amount of string you use and use what’s left until it’s gone.

PowerUP! $25
2 Mulligans, 1 Grenade, and one String It Out

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][vc_icon icon_fontawesome="fa fa-money" color="sky" background_style="rounded" size="xl" align="center" css_animation="left-to-right"][vc_column_text css_animation="right-to-left"]

Play for Cash & Prizes!

50/50 Helicopter Ball Drop: $10 per ticket
A cash prize goes to the winner of this raffle. Tickets for the helicopter ball drop are on sale until SOLD OUT!

Orange Ball: $5 per player
Entire team must enter to play. Each team that plays receives an orange golf ball that must be used by a different golfer in the group on every hole. The ball must rotate consecutively amongst all golfers. Don't lose the ball for the entire 18 holes. Any teams that complete the round with the ball still in possession are entered into a mystery drawing.

Pro Play: Our pro drives for you, if your team gets an Eagle you’re headed to Pebble Beach for three rounds of golf.

Ring Around the Pin: Double or nothing cash wager on teeing off and landing inside a ring on the green of a par 3.

Multiple Pin Birdie: Double or nothing cash wager on your team getting a birdie on one of three pins on a par 3.

Longest Drive & Closest the Pin: Dinner for two at Karl Strauss.

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Get the WIN

First place trophy + $200
18 holes at Arrowood & paid entrance for San Diego’s own Randy Jones Invitational.

18 holes at Arrowood and paid entrance for Randy Jones Invitational.

Paid entrance for Randy Jones Invitational.






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Q: 858-429-3067

[vc_text_separator title="Golfing for a Great Cause: Expecting over 100 Golfers this Year! " heading="3" headingbg="no" title_align="separator_align_center" color="" el_width="60"][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Every December, Managed Solution and their employees select a charitable cause to help families less fortunate. With our headquarters being in San Diego, a county of 3.1 million residents with 475,773 living in poverty, we selected the San Diego Food Bank. 15.2% of the population in San Diego, 138,334 being children face “food insecurity,” which means that little or no food is available at home. Many times, they will not know where their next meal is coming from.

Managed Solution is committed to investing not only in our clients and staff, but also in our community. So, to help address food insecurity in San Diego, Managed Solution is proud to announce that our team has brought in over 300+ food items, volunteered at The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank and donated $1,500 in cash to the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank!

sd food back managed solution voluneteering
January 3, 2017: Managed Solution employees volunteering at the San Diego Food Bank. They helped package 580 food boxes to feed families in need.

Why the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank?
  • The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in San Diego County. The Food Bank serves approx. 400,000 people every month in communities throughout San Diego County. Last year, the Food Bank distributed 22 million pounds of food -- the equivalent of 18.3 million meals!
  • The Food Bank’s nonprofit partners collect food from its 80,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Miramar and distribute the food directly to people in need in their local communities. By acting as a central distribution point and through its own direct distributions the Food Bank and its nonprofit partners provide food to communities throughout the county’s 4,200 square mile radius.

Want to help the cause? Donate to the virtual food bank.

The Fighting Hunger Games

Managed Solution encouraged staff to participate individually, but also created a point-system that helped earn additional company donations through participating in staff challenges, volunteer days, and more! The Fighting Hunger Games was Managed Solution’s Food and Fund Drive benefitting the San Diego Food Bank, running November 28th through December 30th. Follow us on social to see how our staffers participated.

Our staff is also encouraged to share their individual charitable contributions and volunteer work with hashtag #ManagedSolutionCares

Managed Solution employees volunteering at the San Diego Food Bank. We raised over $1500. #sdfoodbank #volunteer #nonprofit #sandiego #homeless #california #donate #microsoft #tech #employeeappreciation #supportlocal #feed #feedthehomeless #noonegoeshungry #love #community #ManagedSolutionCares

A video posted by Managed Solution (@managedsolution) on

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