IT Players Go on Vacation: 4 Tips for Maintaining Critical Functions


Tips for maintaining critical functions when IT Players go on vacation
It’s hard for CIOs and IT personnel to go on vacation since so many business functions are dependent upon their operability. Losing key personnel for days and/or weeks can put a tremendous and costly strain on any business. Therefore, as key players of an IT team set their auto responders and out-of-office messages we recommend following these four tips to help maintain critical functions and the sanity of those left behind.

Transfer Ownership Early

If someone leaving for vacation maintains critical IT processes within the business, have them temporarily transfer the responsibility to a team member well before they leave. This ensures that the new individual responsible for those processes can still ask questions and be overseen by the person that normally handles them.

Plan Ahead

Look ahead to determine if the team member leaving for vacation holds specific expertise that nobody else shares. If so, get the information you may need for projects and/or technical issues that may arise before they leave. Additionally, get access to all files and documents that may be needed when key players are away. Work shouldn’t grind to a halt because nobody in the office has access to a particular document. It’s all about managing expectations before it’s too late.


Vacation isn’t vacation if you’re checking email and putting out fires remotely. If you and your team prepare adequately everyone should be able to unplug, or cut the cord while away. This truly gives people an opportunity to relax so that they can come back recharged and productive. If you must be contacted in case of an emergency provide one team member with a number where that’s possible.

Keep Your Policies and Records Up-to-Date

Don’t let unexpected audits ruin you time away. Keep software license records current so your backup team can handle surprise visits should they arise. Furthermore, establish information governance policies to ensure that security is not compromised in your absence. When your house is in order, both you and your team can have peace of mind.

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