Windows 10 Tip: Watch a video while using another app with mini view

By Elana Pidgeon as written on
Did you know that, with the new mini view feature in the Windows 10 Creators Update, you can now keep an ever-present small window on top of what you’re doing?

With the Windows 10 Creators Update, watch a video while using another app with mini view

This means you can do things like watch your favorite show, carry on a Skype conversation or control your music, regardless of what else you’re working on. Go ahead, have your movies keep you company while you’re cranking through the PowerPoint presentation.

Here’s how it works:

Launch the Movies & TV app and click a movie, trailer, or TV show to start playing it. Click the “Play in mini view” button in the bottom right-hand corner, and the “Leave mini view” button when you want to exit.
The mini view will stay on top of any other windows you have open. You can click and drag to move it around your screen, or click a corner and drag to resize the window.

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