Women in Tech are Inspiring Great Minds

Women in Tech success team supporting team member


The Future of Tech: See how Women in Tech are Inspiring Great Minds

The Future of Tech: See how Women in Tech are Inspiring Great Minds held on December 10, 2015 at the Microsoft Stores in San Diego, CA and Scottsdale, AZ were both special evenings for women leaders in technology who are passionate about changing the ratio of women in tech.

Several guests brought their daughters and together we shared our knowledge and resources to help young women understand and expand their potential as future leaders in technology - from the classroom to the boardroom.

The events both featured a movie screening of Big Dream and success stories and networking opportunities for women technology professionals.

The San Diego event featured a panelist of two women leaders who spoke about the unique perspective and innate skills that women bring to traditionally male dominated positions in technology and leadership, such as communication and a desire to help everyone on their team be successful.

Alicia Fettinger, IT Director at VOXOX, and Leslie Jeffries, CIO at California Coast Credit Union, both gave some practical advice and encouragement for women looking to break into careers in technology. They also spoke about overcoming limiting beliefs that women may face and shared personal stories about how they were able to overcome those challenges.

The San Diego event was hosted by Tina Rountree, Business Development Manager, Managed Solution; Board Member of International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners (IAMCP) and President of the San Diego Women in Technology (WIT) Community.

The Scottsdale event was hosted by Cherla Ramsey, Director of Business Development, Managed Solution and Membership Chair of the Women in Technology International (WITI) Arizona Chapter.

What Is Big Dream?

Big Dream follows the intimate stories of seven young women who are breaking barriers and overcoming personal challenges to follow their passion in science, math, computing & engineering. From small town Iowa to the bustling streets of the Middle East, Big Dream immerses viewers in a world designed by and for the inspiring next generation of girls.

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